Self Awareness

Self Awareness

In our current society, it’s very easy to lose the sense of your own self-worth. Social media plays a big part in this loss of self-worth, mostly because we are constantly surrounded by people who use way too much make-up, too many filters, and editing software to showcase a representation of perfection of themselves, thus setting impossible standards for us to follow. When we are faced day-in and day-out with the “perfect” lives of others, it’s easy to start beating ourselves up because you don’t lead a seemingly fulfilled life like the celebrities you see on social media. Suddenly, it seems like you are underperforming in life, and you are not good enough. But, the reality is that you are simply comparing yourself with unrealistic standards because the people who are truly happy and fulfilled in life don’t have to ever prove themselves to anyone. On the contrary, they enjoy their organic lives and don’t bother with taking the perfect picture or picking the perfect filter. They enjoy the moments given to them, all the while knowing their self-worth losing the need to be compared to anyone. 

We felt devastated that so many beautiful, creative souls fall every day into the same old trap, and little by little they start losing their sense of self-worth.

That’s why we created the Self-Awareness collection. Because the only way to break off the whole cycle is to explore yourself, become more aware of yourself, and thus become aware of your self-worth.