Spiritual Awareness

Spiritual Awareness

We were seeing people rushing off into the day, every day, so busy with their phones and schedules and to-do lists with no end, that they were completely detached from themselves. In their minds, everything they did was super important because they thought that happiness is a goal and not an emotion that can be experienced every day, even in conditions much worse than the ones that they are in. However, the constant detachment from ourselves, from the present moment causes that gap that results in unhappiness.

That’s why we created the Spiritual Awareness Collection. We wanted to bring to attention that sometimes, we need to mend our spirit in some simple ways such as becoming more mindful and meditating, creating a spiritual alignment with the universe, so that we can become our better selves.

Although no one is rushing out to seize the day due to of mostly being socially distanced or at times unwanted quarantined, we still find that spiritual awareness is much needed - maybe more than ever. In these dreadful situations, where the bad news is constantly piling up, it’s very easy to crumble under anxiety, panic, and or stress. Being more spiritually aware can help with calming alignments needed, in making you spiritually and mentally stronger.